Friday, January 3, 2014

What is this exactly?

As I sit around during the off-season I often wonder what I can do to contribute to more baseball chatter. This is it. I've figured it out.

The deeper you delve into baseball, the more you realize that your journey is alongside a bunch of dudes. Why is it that it's so hard to come across a female with a good knowledge of the ins-and-outs of baseball? A girlfriend that I can talk to about trade rumors, BAs and overall performances. I'm not saying that I'm some baseball guru, but I feel like I know more than the average female fan. More than: 9 guys on the field, touch home plate to score. Go Braves! You know the type. 

This is my solution. I'm starting this blog to get females into the game. A lot of times I feel like us ladies WANT to talk baseball with other fans, but are just so intimidated by the fact that really the only people who are talking baseball are guys. This is a place to call my own. Complete with pictures, explanation of stats and no judging for not knowing some weird SABR stat that I've never seen before. I'll  be giving you the rundown of what the talking-heads and Braves corespondents have been saying and the social aspects that females love (Twitter updates, events, etc.). 

So, I will leave you with this: A little wager between our favorite Braves Bro couple, thanks to J-Up. 

I, for one, can't wait to see the avi of whoever loses this bet.  

Also, when is the freakin' Braves caravan schedule gonna be posted? Shouldn't it be starting like... soon?? 

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